Jonathan Amsterdam
Damien Neil
August 27, 2018
We present a draft design that adds support for
programmatic error handling to the standard errors package.
The design adds an interface to standardize the
common practice of wrapping errors.
It then adds a pair of helper functions in package errors
one for matching sentinel errors and one for matching errors by type.
For more context, see the error values problem overview.
Go promotes the idea that errors are values and can be handled via ordinary programming. One part of handling errors is extracting information from them, so that the program can make decisions and take action. (The control-flow aspects of error handling are a separate topic, as is formatting errors for people to read.)
Go programmers have two main techniques for providing information in errors.
If the intent is only to describe a unique condition with no additional data,
a variable of type error suffices, like this one from the io
var ErrUnexpectedEOF = errors.New("unexpected EOF")
Programs can act on such sentinel errors by a simple comparison:
if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF { ... }
To provide more information, the programmer can define a new type
that implements the error
For example, os.PathError
is a struct that includes a pathname.
Programs can extract information from these errors by using type assertions:
if pe, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok { ... pe.Path ... }
Although a great deal of successful Go software has been written
over the past decade with these two techniques,
their weakness is the inability to handle the addition of new information to existing errors.
The Go standard library offers only one tool for this, fmt.Errorf
which can be used to add textual information to an error:
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading config: %v", err)
But this reduces the underlying error to a string, easily read by people but not by programs.
The natural way to add information while preserving
the underlying error is to wrap it in another error.
The standard library already does this;
for example, os.PathError
has an Err
field that contains the underlying error.
A variety of packages outside the standard library generalize this idea,
providing functions to wrap errors while adding information.
(See the references below for a partial list.)
We expect that wrapping will become more common if Go adopts
the suggested new error-handling control flow features
to make it more convenient.
Wrapping an error preserves its information, but at a cost. If a sentinel error is wrapped, then a program cannot check for the sentinel by a simple equality comparison. And if an error of some type T is wrapped (presumably in an error of a different type), then type-asserting the result to T will fail. If we encourage wrapping, we must also support alternatives to the two main techniques that a program can use to act on errors, equality checks and type assertions.
Our goal is to provide a common framework so that programs can treat errors from different packages uniformly. We do not wish to replace the existing error-wrapping packages. We do want to make it easier and less error-prone for programs to act on errors, regardless of which package originated the error or how it was augmented on the way back to the caller. And of course we want to preserve the correctness of existing code and the ability for any package to declare a type that is an error.
Our design focuses on retrieving information from errors. We don’t want to constrain how errors are constructed or wrapped, nor must we in order to achieve our goal of simple and uniform error handling by programs.
The first part of the design is to add a standard, optional interface implemented by errors that wrap other errors:
package errors
// A Wrapper is an error implementation
// wrapping context around another error.
type Wrapper interface {
// Unwrap returns the next error in the error chain.
// If there is no next error, Unwrap returns nil.
Unwrap() error
Programs can inspect the chain of wrapped errors
by using a type assertion to check for the Unwrap
and then calling it.
The design does not add Unwrap
to the error
interface itself:
not all errors wrap another error,
and we cannot invalidate
existing error implementations.
Wrapping errors breaks the two common patterns for acting on errors,
equality comparison and type assertion.
To reestablish those operations,
the second part of the design adds two new functions: errors.Is
, which searches
the error chain for a specific error value, and errors.As
, which searches
the chain for a specific type of error.
The errors.Is
function is used instead of a direct equality check:
// instead of err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
if errors.Is(err, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) { ... }
It follows the wrapping chain, looking for a target error:
func Is(err, target error) bool {
for {
if err == target {
return true
wrapper, ok := err.(Wrapper)
if !ok {
return false
err = wrapper.Unwrap()
if err == nil {
return false
The errors.As
function is used instead of a type assertion:
// instead of pe, ok := err.(*os.PathError)
if pe, ok := errors.As(*os.PathError)(err); ok { ... pe.Path ... }
Here we are assuming the use of the contracts draft design
to make errors.As
explicitly polymorphic:
func As(type E)(err error) (e E, ok bool) {
for {
if e, ok := err.(E); ok {
return e, true
wrapper, ok := err.(Wrapper)
if !ok {
return e, false
err = wrapper.Unwrap()
if err == nil {
return e, false
If Go 2 does not choose to adopt polymorphism or if we need a function to use in the interim, we could write a temporary helper:
// instead of pe, ok := err.(*os.PathError)
var pe *os.PathError
if errors.AsValue(&pe, err) { ... pe.Path ... }
It would be easy to mechanically convert this code to the polymorphic errors.As
The most important constraint on the design is that no existing code should break. We intend that all the existing code in the standard library will continue to return unwrapped errors, so that equality and type assertion will behave exactly as before.
Replacing equality checks with errors.Is
and type assertions with errors.As
will not change the meaning of existing programs that do not wrap errors,
and it will future-proof programs against wrapping,
so programmers can start using these two functions as soon as they are available.
We emphasize that the goal of these functions,
and the errors.Wrapper
interface in particular, is to support programs, not people.
With that in mind, we offer two guidelines:
If your error type’s only purpose is to wrap other errors
with additional diagnostic information,
like text strings and code location, then don’t export it.
That way, callers of As
outside your package
won’t be able to retrieve it.
However, you should provide an Unwrap
method that returns the wrapped error,
so that Is
and As
can walk past your annotations
to the actionable errors that may lie underneath.
If you want programs to act on your error type but not any errors
you’ve wrapped, then export your type and do not implement Unwrap
You can still expose the information of underlying errors to people
by implementing the Formatter
interface described
in the error printing draft design.
As an example of the second guideline, consider a configuration package
that happens to read JSON files using the encoding/json
Malformed JSON files will result in a json.SyntaxError
The package defines its own error type, ConfigurationError
to wrap underlying errors.
If ConfigurationError
provides an Unwrap
then callers of As
will be able to discover the json.SyntaxError
If the use of a JSON is an implementation detail that the package wishes to hide,
should still implement Formatter
to allow multi-line formatting including the JSON error,
but it should not implement Unwrap
, to hide the use of JSON from programmatic inspection.
We recognize that there are situations that Is
and As
don’t handle well.
Sometimes callers want to perform multiple checks against the same error,
like comparing against more than one sentinel value.
Although these can be handled by multiple calls to Is
or As
each call walks the chain separately, which could be wasteful.
Sometimes, a package will provide a function to retrieve information from an unexported error type,
as in this old version of gRPC's status.Code function.
and As
cannot help here at all.
For cases like these,
programs can traverse the error chain directly.
Some error packages intend for programs to act on a single error (the "Cause")
extracted from the chain of wrapped errors.
We feel that a single error is too limited a view into the error chain.
More than one error might be worth examining.
The errors.As
function can select any error from the chain;
two calls with different types can return two different errors.
For instance, a program could both ask whether an error is a PathError
and also ask whether it is a permission error.
We chose Unwrap
instead of Cause
as the name for the unwrapping method
because different existing packages disagree on the meaning of Cause
A new method will allow existing packages to converge.
Also, we’ve noticed that having both a Cause
function and a Cause
that do different things tends to confuse people.
We considered allowing errors to implement optional Is
and As
to allow overriding the default checks in errors.Is
and errors.As
We omitted them from the draft design for simplicity.
For the same reason, we decided against a design that provided a tree of underlying errors,
despite its use in one prominent error package
We also decided against explicit error hierarchies,
as in
The errors.As
function’s ability to retrieve errors of more than one type
from the chain provides similar functionality:
if you want every InvalidRowKey
error to be a DatabaseError
, include both in the chain.
We were influenced by several of the existing error-handling packages, notably:
Some of these package would only need to add an Unwrap
method to their wrapping error types to be compatible with this design.
We also want to acknowledge Go proposals similar to ours: